
发布时间:2014-04-21 13:47:13    阅读量:

1. What are the qualities of a good expatriate manager ( e.g. a Hong Konger managing a factory in Indonesia, or a French managing an apparel company in mainland China?)
2.  If one of your sub ordinary  commented to you that “all employees are equal but some employees are more equal than others”, what would you do ever?
3. BRIEFLY Introduce yourself?Why do U choose our university?what is your Future(short-term and long- term career goals?)?UR Advantages?The one year fulltime program is quite intensive, U have the confidence to learn it well?Introduce your school to me?(视频面试)
4. 如果你是一位国家领导人,你如何维护世界和平?
7. 你的未来5年,10年计划是什么,
8. 为何选择来港大就读;如果你计算机专业,在12个module 里你选哪个?
9. 小米成功的原因。书面写作:IQ VS EQ in business management.
10. 口试题:在你毕业后,你会针对目前的污染采取什么措施
   笔试题: more and more female students attend higher education,what is your comment?